Users Page

On the user page, managers can see who has access to which stores or organizations and add new users.

What is a "user"?

A user is able to log into the Volumental Cloud, access their organization(s) as well as view individual scanners, and download data.

For example:

  • has been added to the Volumental cloud.
  • has been granted access to organization XYZ.
  • Organization XYZ has access to Vandra-100 and Vandra 101.
  • Therefore is now able to view scanners 100 and 101 on their page and see statistics for store XYZ.

How to add a new user?

  1. Go to the users page on the top menu bar,
  2. Select add user
  3. A popup will show up:
    a. Type in their email
    b. Type in their name. Select the organization(s) the user should have access to
         i. Click add after each added organization, then
    c. Click save.

Screenshot 2022-08-16 at 16.11.37

Once you click save, an automatic cloud verification e-mail with the new user's login credentials will be sent to them. This email can take anywhere from 2 to 30 minutes to be delivered.

In order to access the cloud, the user must make sure to finish verifying their account by opening this automatic cloud verification email titled "Welcome to Volumental," clicking "Finish Account," and following the final steps to set up their password.

Granting a user access to a top organization will enable them to view all stores, sub-organizations, and scanners which are under that top organization. 

When creating a new user, this user will always be a standard user and will not have access to extra features on the scanner's settings page.

The new user will not have the ability to transfer a scanner. To upgrade a user to Manager-Access Level, please contact We will only upgrade a user if we have explicit confirmation from the main cloud manager.


How to remove access from a current user

  1. Go to the users page on the top menu bar.
  2. Type in the user’s email address in the search.
  3. Select the email address.
  4. A list of the organizations and stores where the user has access will be displayed.
        a. Click the (x) next to each organization you want to remove.

Note: If you accidentally remove all organizations, you must add the user again. See: How to add a new user

Removing access to all stores or organization will remove a specific user from your view but will not delete them from the cloud system. They will still be able to log on but will not see any information once they are in. If you'd like to be fully removed, please reach out to, and we can take care of it for you.

How to add additional stores or organization to a current user?

  1. Go to the users page on the top menu bar.
  2. Type in the user’s email address in the search.
  3. Select the email address.
  4. Select an organization or store using the dropdown menu.
        a. Click add after each added organization.