Retrieving a Past Scan of a Customer

In Cloud, there are two ways to access an old customer scan. Which route you take can depend on (1) the amount of information you know about the scan itself and (2) the desired purpose of viewing the scan*
*If you wish to change the email that the scan is sent to, refer to option 2.

Option 1: Finding a scan using the search bar on the Home page

This option is best used when you know the email address of the customer. It quickly retrieves the scan and avoids you needing to search through the large database of scans that are stored on your stores scanner. 

  1. After logging into cloud, stay on the home page and click on the search bar in the upper left hand corner.
  2. Type in the email address of the scan you wish to retrieve. All scans that have been taken using that email address will appear.
  3. Select the scan that you wish to open. The scan should directly open in a new window.
  4. If you wish to resend this email to the original recipient, click Resend Email.


Option 2: Finding a scan from all scans listed on the Scanner page.

This option is best to use if you know the exact date (or date range) of a scan and are unsure of the email address that was attached to it. This is also the only way to be able to resend the 3D scan results email to the customer so if this is the desired purpose, then these are the steps you need to take.

  1. After logging into Cloud select Scanners from the top of the page.
  2. If you have multiple scanners within your organization, scroll down and choose the scanner on which the scan you want to retrieve was located. 
    Note: if you cannot remember which scanner the scan was collected on, you can find out this information using Option 1.
  3. Scroll down to the list of scans and click on the scan that you wish to access.
    If the scan took place a while ago, you can narrow down the list by selecting the day it was taken or the range of dates on the graph on the top of the page. 
  4. When you click on the scan you wish to retrieve, the line will expand and give you options of what you can access.
  5. Select Go to My.V Page to open the scan in a new window, or select Send Email to resend the scan to the customer.
    1. When resending a scan, the original email inputted will appear. If you wish to send it to a different email, you can simply edit this field before hitting Send.