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  2. Volumental Retail Scanner
  3. Using the Scanner - The Scanning Process

Best Practices for Collecting Customer Emails

How to get customer emails

Collecting Customer Names and Emails

No User Profile - Collect before the scan

  • If your store's UI does not have a User Profile section, then the email must be collected before the scan.

User Profile - Collect before or after the Scan

  • If your store's UI has a user profile section that can be filled out, then the email and name can be collected both before and/or after the scan.
  • If the name and email are collected after the scan, go to the upper right-hand corner and select Create User Profile to enter the details there. 

    • Name

    • Email

    • Gender

Depending on your UI, there may be more profile questions that your customer can fill in for a more customized experience. At the minimum, to successfully collect your customer's email, you need to collect the 3 basic pieces of information mentioned above.

Email Collection Best Practices

1. Lead and encourage

  • Use encouraging language rather than passive language

  • Lead the sales process along

  • Be friendly and casual

DO say:
DO NOT say:
“Please type in your email so we can send you your 3D Scan Results right after.” 
"Do you want to share your email with me?"
“Please type in your email here so we can get the fit process started.” 
"Can I get your email?"
“We start our fit process by typing in your name & and email so you can get a copy of your scan results emailed.” 

2. Sell and emphasize the benefits

  • Don't be pushy
  • Emphasize the benefits of them giving their email:
    • Their scan results will be emailed to them for future use.
    • They can see foot changes that may take place in the future (if they get scanned again).
    • If they give their consent, they can receive personalized emails based on their results.

3. If necessary, let them know their data is safe

  • Volumental follows GDPR and the California Consumer Privacy Act.

  • Their information will not be sold and Volumental will not spam them with emails.