Learning how to navigate the Volumental Cloud.
When navigating the Volumental Cloud, you see four options at the top of the page. Each of these four pages allows you to access a number of different types of data.
The Home page gives an overview of all your data.
Here you can see an overview of all your data for the past 30 days. Observe the number of scans performed each day, how many scanners have been active during the past 7 days, and see how many successful scans have been performed during the past 30 days.
When clicking Scanners, you will find statistics on the scanner(s) you have access to. Here you will see the scanner number (Vandra-XXXX), when the scanner was last online, which store the scanner is placed in, and the number of scans made on the scanner today (UTC time). The list can be sorted based on these four topics by pressing the arrows at the top of the list. When you click a scanner, you will see a list of individual scans made with this scanner.
On the individual scanner page, you will be presented with a graph of scans made during the past 30 days on this particular scanner. You can also change the time range to 90 days or view all scans ever made on the scanner. If you are interested in scans made during a specific time range, you can mark the desired dates you would like to view by clicking and dragging over the graph with your mouse.
*Please note that due to the amount of data stored within the Cloud, scanners that have been active for a long time might take a while to load all scans
Below the bar chart, you will see the successful versus failed scans outcome, gender, and email capture rate pie charts. These charts allow you to filter the scans based on the outcome, gender, and emails attached. By clicking either male, female, or children in the pie chart, you will only see the scans for the chosen category.
When scrolling down, you will be presented with a list of the individual scans made on the scanner. By clicking into an individual scan from the list, you can revisit the 3D model by clicking “Go to My V. Page” or select “Send Email” in order to resend the scan to the customer.
You can download the foot data or the scan(s) with the 3D models by ticking the boxes to the left of the desired scan(s) and then clicking download foot data spreadsheet or download scans above the scan list. When clicking download foot data spreadsheet, a dropdown menu will appear where you select which data to download before clicking download .csv file. To make sense of the data, you may have to convert the .csv file into an Excel document (you can google search tutorials online on how to do this if you are unsure). All measurements are displayed in meters.
Stores and Organizations:
When entering the Stores & Orgs. page, you will first see a list of organizations that you have access to view. For most users, the organization accessible will only be your specific store.
For every store and organization/ sub-organization within your view, you are able to see:
- Number of Scanners
- Number of Successful Scans
- Email Capture Rates
- Error Rates
Each column also shows a comparison to the previous period. Therefore if you are viewing numbers for the past 7 days, you can see how these stats compare with the prior 7 days by looking at the colored percentage change. Both the comparison section and the current stats can be sorted from highest to lowest or vice versa.
**Note: If you have sub-orgs within your top organization, the sorting will be by sub-org first followed by the selected order of the stores within the sub-org.
By clicking into an organization, you will find a breakdown of sizing analytics data from your customers. Here you will find the total amount of people scanned within your organization and their scanning results specified by gender distribution, size, width, and count.
If you navigate over to the Settings page, you will be able to see which scanner is attached to this store and can click on the scanner number itself to navigate to the scanner page. Manager accounts will have access to extra features on the settings page. In settings, a Cloud manager can easily personalize the My.Volumental email subject line, or edit the address, phone number or contact details of the store. You can also check which scanners belong to your organization in this view and transfer scanners between stores (Manager Access: Stores and Orgs page).
If you have Manager-level access, you can see and manage the Users (Manager Access: Users Page) for the organizations you have access to view. To create a new User account, go to the Users page, click add users next to the search field, enter the email and first name of your user, and select the organization(s) that they should have access to.
My Account:
In the upper right corner, you will see the email address which you are logged in with. By clicking this, you can log out from your account or change your password.